Crime Stoppers began in La Crosse in 1984. The program was an immediate success and to this day continues to serve the La Crosse Area.
Since its beginning in La Crosse, Crime Stoppers has been responsible for the arrest of over 1,100 criminals and has paid out over $90,000 in rewards. Of the criminals arrested as a result of a crime stopper tip, 94% have been convicted.
Even though La Crosse Area Crime Stoppers phone line and computer system is housed in the La Crosse Police Department, we will take a tip on a crime that has occurred anywhere. That information is then forwarded to the proper jurisdiction for investigation.
La Crosse Area Crime Stoppers has been successful in solving crimes throughout the United States and in virtually every community within La Crosse County including Holmen, Onalaska, Bangor, West Salem, Town of Campbell, Shelby, Mindoro, as well as the City of La Crosse.